While Brenda and her new boyfriend Fritz are on a date, she receives a call about a...
Season 1
In the second episode of Walker, Cordell is still struggling with his daughter. He his also informed...
In the series opener of Walker, we are introduced to Cordell Walker, who returns after almost a...
Victoria, frustrated that her husbands whore came to the White House. She calls upon Lilly to go...
Barry and his father fight over the gun and it goes off. They assume the door was...
Barry, desperate to find his daughter, approaches his cousin, gang member, for assistance in finding the cult....
When a body of a marine shows up at the shore of the beach, the team must...
Barry is let go from the White House when Gayle admits to her mother that she lied...
The episode begins with a marine dropping dead from a parachute jump inside a car. The team...
The series premiere begins with Agent Todd witnessing an agent die in front of her of an...
Brenda is forced to interrupt a former DA and current congresswomen to announce that her daughter was...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. When a reputed psychiatrist is murdered, Brenda must...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. Brenda investigates the murder of three gang members...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. In this emotional episode, Brenda investigates the murder...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. Brenda as a hard time getting around LA...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. In the series opener of the series, they...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. When FOX announced that Lucifer would be airing,...
Clark Kent arrives in Metropolis determined to have a job at the Daily Planet. His first interview...