In this gripping episode, the girls embark on the challenging journey of summer school. Right from the...
Month: August 2024
In this episode, Dal, Zero, Jankom, and the Vulcan crew member realize they have arrived a few...
In this exciting episode, Jules and Lucy embark on a deeply personal journey, using a powerful drug...
The adventure continues as Gwyn (Ella Purnell) arrives on her home planet, only to discover that an...
In the first part of the episode, we see Jules when she first awakes at the Beacon...
The action packed Star Trek: Prodigy is back, after a long while, no thanks to Paramount’s decision...
Lucy brings the girl she kidnapped, named Jules (Amanda Fix), to a friend to help her determine...
In the series premiere of the “Orphan Black” spinoff, we are introduced to Lucy (Krysten Ritter), who...
The newest addition to the Pretty Little Liars franchise commenced its second season on May 9th. The...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In the season finale of Star Trek:Picard, Jurati finds a way to...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In this episode, Picard and the rest of the crew manages to...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | Picard returns to the ship and presents Soji to Rios, who has...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In this episode, it is revealed more about what happened with Jurati...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In this episode, Jurati struggles with what she has done and sleeps...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In this episode, the crew, with Seven of Nine, reach Freecloud. The...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In the fourth episode of the series, Picard sets course to a...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In the third episode, Raffi and Jean-Luc have a heart to heart...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In the second episode of the season, we see that Narek (Harry...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | The story begins about twenty years after the movie Star Trek: Nemesis,...
It’s been a few days since the premiere of “Teen Wolf: The Movie” on Paramount + and...