The episode begins with a teenager called Tracy that is having night terrors. After talking to Lydia’s...
Day: August 18, 2024
The season premiere begins a few months in the future where we see that Lydia is in...
Malia is still angry with Stiles, but even more angry at Peter that seem to want something...
This season we are presented with a new bad guy called “The Benefactor”. He hires assassins to...
Oliver deals with a copycat that seems familiar to him. Oliver decides that they need to throw...
In the heartbreaking final episodes, all is on board to help Stiles, including both of Kira’s parents,...
Oliver is determined to help a rogue murderer see the light. Tommy is humiliated when Laurel blurts...
Stiles tricks everyone into thinking is back in control but he feeds on chaos. He plants a...
Halloween continues Issac survives the attack and Allison’s father reveals that they were probably after him. The...
Someone tries to kill Oliver’s mother, so he investigates a crime family that might be responsible. They...
On Halloween night, the kids cause the coach headaches with prank. Tons of bugs come out of...
In this episode. Sig pushes Oliver to consider expanding the help he brings to crimes around the...
The unknown people that were taking Derek and Peter hostage are looking for the she-wolf. They both...
In this episode we see the aftermath of Lance’s arrest of Oliver and accusing him of being...
Allison, Stiles and Scott suffer the side effects of their near death experience. Hallucinations for Stiles and...
In this episode Oliver offers Dig a position with him, who declines because he believes the vigilante...
Allson, Scott and Ethan are stopped by Scott’s father when he discovers the impressive arsenal the Argent’s...
Derek and Stiles manage to escape the hospital, Derek with Cora and Stiles stayed behind to throw...
Oliver targets a man that provided low income houses with faulty fire alarms and wants him to...
In the 4th episode of the 11th season of Law & Order: SVU, a man wakes up on his...