In the series premiere of the “Orphan Black” spinoff, we are introduced to Lucy (Krysten Ritter), who...
Day: August 18, 2024
The newest addition to the Pretty Little Liars franchise commenced its second season on May 9th. The...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In the season finale of Star Trek:Picard, Jurati finds a way to...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In this episode, Picard and the rest of the crew manages to...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | Picard returns to the ship and presents Soji to Rios, who has...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In this episode, it is revealed more about what happened with Jurati...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In this episode, Jurati struggles with what she has done and sleeps...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In this episode, the crew, with Seven of Nine, reach Freecloud. The...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In the fourth episode of the series, Picard sets course to a...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In the third episode, Raffi and Jean-Luc have a heart to heart...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | In the second episode of the season, we see that Narek (Harry...
Author: J.Leonard | Twitter | The story begins about twenty years after the movie Star Trek: Nemesis,...
It’s been a few days since the premiere of “Teen Wolf: The Movie” on Paramount + and...
After a long hiatus, we are back full force for 2023. Many new things have been added...
We are so happy to announce that we are changing the brand name from Television Canada to...
By J.Leonard Each week we will ask our followers what their favorite soap opera of the week...
By J.Leonard Each week we will ask our followers what their favorite soap opera of the week...
By J.Leonard Each week we will ask our followers what their favorite soap opera of the week...
By J.Leonard Last week, The CW cancelled half a dozen shows, but four of them hurt fans...
By J.Leonard Each week we will ask our followers what their favorite soap opera of the week...