The episode begins with a gang shooting of a nice man, who many admired. A witness is...
TV Rewatch
The episode begins with a women being brutally attacked in her car. Jane and Maura are called...
The episode begins with a son and father getting out of a restaurant, and they are mugged...
The episode begins with a woman being burned at the stake. Jane and Maura investigate and discover...
When a body of a marine shows up at the shore of the beach, the team must...
During a re-enactment of past American wars, someone is shot with a real bullet. The second shooting...
What looks like a slip and fall death becomes a murder investigation when Maura suspects foul play....
The episode begins with a marine dropping dead from a parachute jump inside a car. The team...
The series premiere begins with Agent Todd witnessing an agent die in front of her of an...
A case hits close to home when Jane’s ex-partner’s daughter is kidnapped. They find a girl dead...
The episode begins when Jane’s mother has car trouble. Maura is mesmerized by the mechanic, Giovanni, but...
Brenda is forced to interrupt a former DA and current congresswomen to announce that her daughter was...
The episode begins with a women running for her life in the woods. She falls and his...
On the season 2 premiere, we learn that Jane and Jimmy survived being shot, but Jane is...
On the season finale, a undercover cop is shot, execution style. The police chief orders all personnel...
The victim in this case hits Maura close to home when she discovers that the murder victim...
Jane has a nightmare about Hoyt. She then discovers in the middle of the night a device...
The episode begins with Jane and Maura participating at a city wide race. However things turn a...
A women is found murdered in a dumpster. Jane and Maura discover that the victim was married...