During a baseball game, Jane and the gang bare witness to a dead body being dumped on...
Episode Recaps
In the series premiere we meet Jane Rizzoli (Angie Harmon) and Maura Isles (Sasha Alexander), a detective...
I finally got around to watching the last two seasons of Arrow. Thanks to the COVID, millions...
Due to corona virus, some shows have been shortened. This is the case for Supergirl. The final...
To say that the first season of Batwoman was eventful would be an understatement. From the very...
Earlier last year it was announced that The CW would attempt a second spin-off to its popular...
General Hospital took a break off all the drama around Port Charles this Wednesday, and focused the...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. I have always loved Vanessa Williams. One of...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. The episode begins with Lydia and company attending...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. I am still very angry that we are...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. The episode, dubbed by fans the Felicity and...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. Yes it took forever for me to watch...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. When it was announced in March that Jane...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. It was a reveal of all reveals, after...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. Two weeks have passed since the last time...
Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode. When FOX announced that Lucifer would be airing,...
Corey tries to help Mason remember but the Dread Doctors finds him. Kira decides to leave and...
With the school under attack, and Parrish leaving, Gerard tells the story of the Beast to Lydia....
Parrish ask Mister Argent to follow him when he becomes a Hellground so he can figure out...
Nathalie realizes that she made a mistake with Lydia and attempts to get her out. The plan...