In the 22nd episode of the 10th season of Law & Order: SVU , the team investigates the murder of a woman in a park with the writting Guilty on her forehead, and finds a baby, alive, with the word innocent on its’s forehead. While processing the perp’s apartment, the lab tech seems to have made a mistake that cost them to lose their case. He insists that he did not do the mistake, but nobody believes him. They tag the suspect only to lose his track and he murders again. He then goes after his lawyer, killing her with gas in her car. Also, the judge that presided over his case his hit with a syringe filled with poison. The main lab tech discovers a dead mosquito that bit a person that killed the lawyer and is waiting for results of DNA to get the perp back in. However, the shocked lab tech is stabbed by someone to prevent him from disclosing the results. Stabler goes to meet with the lab tech only to be knocked unconscious. The assailant is no other than the accused lab tech that became enraged and decided to right his wrong by murdering all these people and sticking it on the original perp. Olivia outmaneuvers him and saves Stabler.
Law & Order SVU | Season 10 | Episode 22 recap