Categories Episode Recaps

Teen Wolf | Season 5 Episode 20 recap

Warning: This article contains spoilers from a recent episode.

Yes it took forever for me to watch the season five finale of Teen Wolf! Why you ask? Because I did not want to watch the sixth and final season of the show. There I said it. I will miss it too much. that being said, I have finished watching it. When we last left things, Malia was being hunted by her mother in Scott’s house. The Argent’s discovered that the old man’s cane was the weapon to kill Sebastien. In this episode the gang discover that Lydia is the key in freeing Mason. However she is brutally attacked and almost rendered speechless. Along with Parrish, they chase after Sebastien. Theo continues it’s path of destruction by betraying everyone. Melissa gives something to Lydia so she can scream again, but Theo pushes her in a trap and almost kills Scott. However in a twist, Scott was working with Deucalion to betray Theo. Theo is stopped by Kira, who arrives at the very last second with a message from Theo’s dead sister, who we are assuming as become a walker. Kira tells Scott that she promised them she would stay and does not know when she will be back. The gang successfully stops Malia’s mother, get Mason back and stop Sebastien once and for all.

Teen Wolf


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