Law & Order SVU Season 10 episode 16

In the 16th episode of the 10th season of Law & Order SVU, a man is accidently killed by a neighbour in an apparent suicide. However evidence suggests that there was a third person in the room. Olivia and Stabler go to see a woman called Birdie (Guest star Carole Burnett) that owns the apartment building where the crime happens. The detectives link the murder to her then husband, but the man appears to have committed suicide when he falls off the balcony of his home. Evidence suggests that he was pushed, and Birdie and her “nephew” are the main suspects. Olivia grills the nephew hard and he admits that Birdie killed the man. Birdie is diagnosed with aggressive cancer and the team discover that all her husbands were bad men with mysterious deaths. She admits to asking her nephew to take care of all of them. She then traps her nephew in admitting that. 

Guest star Stephanie March reprised her role of ADA Alexandra Cabot

Carole Burnett also guest stars.

Law & Order: SVU

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