In “The Harvest,” Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) uses the cross that Angel (David Boreanaz) gave her to escape Luke (Brian Thompson) and save Willow (Alyson Hannigan) and Xander (Nicholas Brendon). Meanwhile, Jesse (Eric Balfour) is captured and brought to the Master (Mark Metcalf), where he learns that there’s a Slayer in town. Xander struggles with this new reality, but Buffy insists that he can’t help her—she’s the Slayer. With Willow’s computer skills, Buffy and Giles (Anthony Stewart Head) track down Luke’s hidden entry point, returning to the mausoleum where Buffy meets Angel again. Angel warns her that “The Harvest” will occur tonight, a vampire ritual that could have devastating consequences.
While searching for Jesse, Xander joins the fight, much to Buffy’s frustration, but she eventually understands his desire to help his best friend. Meanwhile, Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) spreads rumors about Buffy, claiming she’s crazy after their previous encounter. Buffy and Xander find Jesse, only to discover he’s been turned into a vampire. They manage to escape, but Jesse is left behind.
The Master, using Luke as a vessel, plans to empower himself through each of Luke’s kills, hoping to escape the veil imprisoning him. Buffy and her friends deduce that Jesse’s transformation will lead Luke to the Bronze, where the Harvest is set to occur. However, Buffy’s mother (Kristine Sutherland) grounds her for skipping classes, leaving Buffy with no choice but to sneak out and stop the Harvest.
At the Bronze, Buffy faces off against Luke and his vampire minions. After a fierce battle, she successfully kills Luke, stopping the Harvest and saving the town, at least for now.
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