In the season finale of Star Trek: Prodigy, the tension reaches its peak as the crew of...
Kate Mulgrew
In this powerful episode, tensions reach a breaking point as the determined and vengeful Ascencia (voiced by...
In this episode, Admiral Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) finds herself deeply concerned about the fate of the young...
In this gripping episode, Admiral Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) receives orders to head to the planet Solem to...
In part two of this thrilling episode, the crew of the USS Voyager faces one of their...
In this thrilling and action-packed episode, the crew of USS Voyager, led by Captain Janeway (played by...
In this thrilling episode of Star Trek: Prodigy, the crew of the Protostar embarks on an adventure...
In this thrilling episode, the crew of the USS Protostar finds themselves facing a critical challenge. They...
In part two of this thrilling adventure, Chakotay (Robert Beltran) and the rest of the crew face...
The episode opens with a montage of Chakotay’s daily routine, illustrating the repetitive and survival-driven nature of...
In part two of the episode, the USS Voyager, under the command of Admiral Janeway, arrives at...
In the first part of this thrilling episode, Dal and the crew set out on a mission...
In this compelling episode, we dive deeper into the emotional and psychological struggles of Zero, who has...
In this fun and confusing episode, Dal and his group of mischief-makers continue to plot the rescue...
As Gwyn settles into her new reality, Janeway must uncover the reasons behind the mission failure and...
In this episode, Dal, Zero, Jankom, and the Vulcan crew member realize they have arrived a few...
The adventure continues as Gwyn (Ella Purnell) arrives on her home planet, only to discover that an...
The action packed Star Trek: Prodigy is back, after a long while, no thanks to Paramount’s decision...
In this thrilling episode of the series, the cadets embark on an audacious journey to an uncharted...