In this intense episode of Chicago Fire, the team is called to the scene of a dramatic...
Month: August 2024
In the final episode of the “Summer School” series, the girls are at their wit’s end. After...
In the first part of this thrilling episode, Dal and the crew set out on a mission...
In the final episode of the series, we find ourselves in a heart-pounding race against the clock...
The episode begins with Severide unexpectedly running into Andy’s widow, Heather. She appears visibly upset and is...
In this shocking episode, the tension reaches a boiling point as the girls grapple with the realization...
In this compelling episode, we dive deeper into the emotional and psychological struggles of Zero, who has...
In this intense and gripping episode, we uncover that Craig, contrary to what was previously assumed, was...
In the gripping series premiere of “Chicago Fire,” we are introduced to the dynamic and heroic world...
This episode answers some of the questions viewers have about Bloody Rose. By the end of this...
The episode picks up a few moments after Kira and Emily meet at the diner. Emily’s eyes...
Faren is with the girls, who are patching her up from her injuries that she sustained at...
In this fun and confusing episode, Dal and his group of mischief-makers continue to plot the rescue...
Darros is deeply upset with Xander for failing to make Jules feel safe. Xander, determined to redeem...
The girls reunite after the harrowing events surrounding Mouse’s attack, their bond stronger than ever. They gather...
As Gwyn settles into her new reality, Janeway must uncover the reasons behind the mission failure and...
The episode takes place seconds after Lucy reveals the existence of Jules, causing an immediate stir among...
In this episode, the tensions and complexities of high school life come to the forefront as Mouse...
In this powerful and emotional episode, we delve into the poignant and intricate origin story of Lucy....